Monday, September 11, 2006


Easy Fall Shape Up for Mom! - Hema Murty

Were you consumed all summer with kid activities? Now that it is quiet around the house with the kids in school and other activities, what about Mom?

No time? Remember the story about the airplane oxygen mask? Put your mask on first before assisting someone else. How quickly we forget that we need to take care of ourselves before we can take care of the world. But we must find the time, just like we do find time to eat and sleep.

A friend of mine takes her six boys out for soccer practice. Yes, you did read right that she does have six boys. While they are playing soccer, she goes for her walk and peers in every now and then on the game.

Another trick is to just schedule it in. Isn’t it always the case that as impossible as it might seem to get another appointment in with the kids schedules, we always seem to cajole someone into looking after them while we get to the ultra important appointment. Why not pretend that “me” time is ultra important? It is important. But we seldom give ourselves the attention we deserve.

A fitness program does not have to be all consuming in time. It doesn’t mean getting up really early to get to the gym every day. If you talk to a trainer, they can give you what you can get away with.
Most recently, I wrote up a program for a woman who has never been active, except for the occasional bike ride. A ha! The occasional bike ride.

Her fitness program now consists of getting some nice music to get in a walk twice a week of 15 minutes. She loves it. She just got her MP3 player updated and now she looks forward to her walks. Of course, I threw in some fun toning moves she can actually do at work. As well, there were some nice body stretches which really got her to feel great. Isn’t feeling great what life is all about?

So see a trainer and see what your program would look like. Why should other women have all the fun? You deserve it too. And if you don’t like your program, just say “I’ll try it on”!

A variety of personal interests and professional paths have led Hema to her current role as a personal trainer and yoga instructor with over 20 years experience. Hema is listed in Who’s Who in the World and is an author, lecturer, Can-Fit-Pro certified personal trainer and certified nutrition and wellness specialist, who specializes in body-mind-spirit consulting and training women. Hema has helped many clients overcome issues in their lives using yoga and meditation.

For more information on how Hema can help you through yoga, contact Shanti Consulting today for a free consultation at and sign up for the free newsletter. For more information on meditation, please see

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