Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Staying In Shape After Weight Loss - By: Raymond Burton

These days a lot of people are working out and going on weight loss programs. A lot of people are succeeding too. This can cause a bit of confusion for those that finally make it and achieve their weight loss goals and finally get in shape. The problem is, now that you have achieved your goals, how do you keep that weight off?

One major fear is that it will all come crashing back in. All the hard work will be for nothing in a couple of months of living normally. In desperation of returning to what once was, a lot of folks are reaching for products they see advertised by the weight loss industry. Medications and herbal remedies, carb blockers and belly massagers to name a few.

The real secret to maintaining your newfound achievement is to keep on exercising. That is the angle that fills the number one position. No one would expect to have a job for 6 months and then continue to get paid for the next 30 years. Now of course if you work out until your 60-70 then your exercise pension just may cover you. If you decide to work out with only a little dedication, then your promotions to the next level will be slow. You can stay here and enjoy this place if you like, that is fine. If you would like to move up the achievement ladder, then continuing levels of dedication will be required.

Your diet fills spot number two. If you are simply going to stay in shape and enjoy where you are then your diet becomes more of a healthy lifestyle idea. You no longer need to count points or measure food, but you must remain in the sane zone. Because of your success, you know what is required of your eating. Dramatic changes to this will put your right back where you were. Slight variations and some treats now and then can be taken care of on the treadmill or running some hill sprints.

Some people continue to weigh their food and count points year round, non-stop even after reaching their goals. These people are just a barrel of monkeys at Christmas time and party nights. Fun doesn’t exist in the land of ounces and extreme rigidity. Just plan your fun nights. Do not let social pressure get you in trouble all the time, but set aside some days where you can let loose and enjoy some of the great things life has to offer besides a 10% body fat level.

Number three is the lifestyle change. Number one and two tie up together and if you have them nailed then number three is already taken care of. The lifestyle change is where all the pennies add up to the weight loss, staying in shape dollars. A lifestyle change is something like getting involved in a social sport like joining a running club or baseball team. This makes number one, the continued exercise idea a part of your lifestyle and so gets done while you are still having fun. Another lifestyle change would be sucking it up for a couple of weeks to get used to black coffee instead of always having two creams and two sugars. Think of the calories that saves and burns over the course of a year!

Things that are done habitually over the course of an average day are the most important things when it comes to staying in shape and keeping off all that weight you lost. Day after day, month after month you do these things without even thinking. If your habits and lifestyle are geared towards healthy living, it will show. If you do small things all the time that will have a negative effect on your body, it will show also. It is just like a savings plan. Put in the good stuff on a regular basis and a year from now you will look and realize just how smart you were to do these things on automatic pilot. Without even noticing your positive habits, you stayed in shape year round because it became a lifestyle.

Article Source: http://www.ContentArticles.com

Ray L Burton is a fitness consultant and the author Fat To Fit. Learn more tips and tricks on health and fitness at Buildingbodies.ca

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