Sunday, September 24, 2006


There Are No Easy Weight Loss Solutions - By D Fraser

Weight loss solutions, one of the most searched for things in todays faced paced, quick fix society. Do you have your personal weight where you'd like it to be? I know I don't, and I think if you posed that question to a great number of people they would tell you the same thing. I conducted a survey not that long ago of college students asking this exact question, and you know what, the majority said they weren't happy with their current weight. If this is the feeling of college students how do you think the response would go from those of us that are in our 40's and 50's.

The reality is it all comes down to our lifestyle and the choices we make day to day. What are you having for lunch today? Better yet what did you have for breakfast this morning? These are very important questions and they need to be planned meals with the right food if you're serious about weight loss solutions. There is no quick fix, although that's what most of us want, if you're serious about losing those pound you need to be serious about doing the work.

Now most of you probably don't want to hear these same obvious recommendations again but lets go over a few of them. The most important of them all is diet, it's just not possible to eat what ever your heart desires and expect to not gain weight. What are you currently planning on eating for dinner tonight? If you were thinking of it in terms of weight loss solutions would you still have the same thing? If you want to lose weight, you need discipline. Now not to suggest you can never have junk food again, the key is to minimize intake, and everything in moderation. Eating right is the number one thing to staying fit, now followed closely behind to exercise. The best scenario, devote an hour a day to cardio, if you're schedule doesn't allow for this, do the best you can but don't let yourself off the hook easy.

When we get right at the core of weight loss solutions, there isn't a quick fix. While many of us are looking for immediate gratification the natural healthy solution isn't out there. Just look at all the gad diets that come and go, if they all worked we wouldn't need more of them. You need to get off your butt, and get busy. If you're having trouble knowing where to start you can research a lot of good healthy diet plans, and exercise routines on the Internet. Take some time to plan your week for meals, and activity and make it happen. You'll find a vast array of weight loss solutions, as well as diet and exercise plans online, but you need to take the first step and find them, they won't ever find you.

About the Author: If you're struggling to find relevant weight loss information, or want to read some more articles about tips to lose weight visit our website at Weight loss tips.


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